





1. 个人信息
齐连永,曲阜师范大学计算机学院,青年教授/博士生导师,中国计算机学会协同计算专委会委员、服务计算专委会委员,山东省“高等学校青创人才引育计划”带头人。担任国际期刊Journal of Organizational and End User Computing(SCI/SSCI)管理主编、International Journal of Intelligent Systems(SCI)编委, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering、IEEE Transactions on Big Data、IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems、ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing、IEEE IoT Magazine、IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics、Computer Communications、Wireless Networks、Mobile Networks and Applications、Digital Communications and Networks、Tsinghua Science and Technology等国际期刊的客座编辑,IEEE CPSCom等10余个国际学术会议的主席,AAAI/IJCAI/ICWS/UIC/CollaborateCom等CCF会议PC。2021科睿唯安“全球高被引学者”,2020/2021爱思唯尔“中国高被引学者”,2020斯坦福大学“全球前2%科学家”。主要研究方向为服务计算、推荐系统。本科毕业于南京理工大学,并在南京大学获硕士/博士学位。2010年在澳大利亚Swinburne University of Technology进行访问研究,并在南京大学软件工程博士后流动站进行科学研究。

2. 主持项目
● 国家自然科学基金(面上项目), 服务推荐中基于局部敏感哈希的隐私保护方法研究(61872219),2019-2022
● 国家自然科学基金(青年项目), 云环境下基于历史调用记录的可信服务选择研究(61402258),2015-2017
● 山东省自然科学基金(面上项目), 面向多源、稀疏大数据的个性化协同服务推荐研究,2019-2022
● 山东省高等学校青创团队项目,2022-2024
● 中国博士后科学基金(面上), 2015-2016
● 计算机软件新技术国家重点实验室开放课题, 2020-2022
● 网络与交换技术国家重点实验室开放课题,2020-2022
● 计算机软件新技术国家重点实验室开放课题, 2016-2018
● 软件工程国家重点实验室开放课题, 2015-2016
● 计算机软件新技术国家重点实验室开放课题, 2012-2014
● 曲阜师范大学青年基金, 2014-2015
● 曲阜师范大学博士启动基金, 2011-2016

3. 发表论文(第一作者/通讯作者)
以第一作者/通讯作者,在领域知名期刊“IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering”、“IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications”、“IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems”、“IEEE Transactions on Services Computing”、“IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics”、“IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing”、“IEEE Transactions on Big Data”、 “IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics”、“IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems”、“ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications”、“IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems”、“IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering”、“ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks”、“ACM Transactions on Internet Technology”、“ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology”、“IEEE Internet of Things Journal”、计算机学报等以及SIGIR、ICSOC、ICWS等CCF推荐国际会议上, 发表100+篇科研论文(其中SCI论文50+篇, CCF-A及IEEE/ACM Transactions论文30余篇,2019中国百篇最具影响的国际学术论文1篇,2020中国百篇最具影响的国际学术论文(通讯作者)1篇, CCF-C期刊“Computer Communications”最佳研究论文1篇),其中11篇国际会议论文获得Best/Outstanding Paper Award, 同时申请专利2项。

4. 获奖/荣誉
● 2022,国际会议IEEE iThings'2022-最佳论文奖
● 2021, 爱思唯尔“中国高被引学者”
● 2021, 2020中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文(通讯作者)
● 2021, 山东省高等学校青创团队带头人
● 2021, 全国高校人工智能大数据区块链教育教学“学术创新奖”一等奖
● 2021, 中国计算机学会服务计算专委会委员
● 2021, 科睿唯安“全球高被引学者”
● 2021, 山东省研究生优秀成果三等奖
● 2021, 国际会议IEEE Smart City'2021-杰出论文奖
● 2021, 国际会议IEEE CyberSciTech'2021-最佳论文奖
● 2021, 国际会议EAI Cloudcomp'2021-最佳论文奖
● 2021, 国际会议CENet'2021-最佳论文奖
● 2021,CCF-C类期刊《Computer Communications》最佳研究论文奖
● 2020, 2019中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文(第一作者)
● 2020, 爱思唯尔“中国高被引学者”
● 2020, 斯坦福大学“全球前2%学者”
● 2020, 山东省研究生优秀成果二等奖
● 2020, 中国计算机学会-软件服务创新大赛三等奖
● 2020, 中国计算机学会协同计算专委会委员
● 2020,国际会议DSAA'2020-最佳专题论文奖(CCF-C)
● 2020,国际会议IEEE CPSCom'2020-最佳论文奖
● 2020,国际会议SPDE'2020-最佳论文奖
● 2019, 山东省高等学校优秀科研成果二等奖(2/3)
● 2018,济宁市自然科学学术创新一等奖(首位)
● 2018,曲阜师范大学优秀科研工作者
● 2018,曲阜师范大学优秀研究生指导教师
● 2018,2020,曲阜师范大学研究生“圣地英才奖”指导教师
● 2017, 国际会议SpaCCS'2017-最佳论文奖
● 2017, 国际会议CSS'2017-最佳论文奖
● 2017, 山东省优秀学士学位论文-指导教师
● 2017, 济宁市自然科学学科带头人
● 2016, 山东省高等学校优秀科研成果三等奖(首位)
● 2015, 山东省高等学校优秀科研成果三等奖(4/4)
● 2015, 曲阜师范大学1361人才工程
● 2010, 南京大学优秀研究生
● 2010, 中国电科十四所国睿奖学金

5. 2022 News:

★★★ 研究生-孔令贞的论文(Time-aware Missing Healthcare Data Prediction based on ARIMA Model)被国际期刊IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics录用.(CCF-B).

★★★ 研究生-迟潇潇的论文(Privacy-aware Data Fusion and Prediction for Smart City Services in Edge Computing Environment)获得国际会议IEEE iThings'2022的最佳论文奖.

★★★ 入选2021爱思唯尔“中国高被引学者”.

★★★ 论文(Privacy-aware Data Fusion and Prediction for Smart City Services in Edge Computing Environment)获得国际会议 IEEE iThings'2022的最佳论文奖.

★★★ 合作论文(Bloom Filter with Noisy Coding Framework for Multi-Set Membership Testing)被IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering录用(CCF-A).

★★★ 论文(DAWAR: Diversity-aware Web APIs Recommendation for Mashup Creation based on Correlation Graph)被ACM SIGIR'2022录用(CCF-A).

★★★ 论文(A Correlation Graph based Approach for Personalized and Compatible Web APIs Recommendation in Mobile APP Development)被IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering录用(CCF-A).

★★★ 研究生-刘玉文的论文(Interaction-enhanced and Time-aware Graph Convolutional Network for Successive Point-of-Interest Recommendation in Travelling Enterprises)被国际期刊IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics录用.(SCI 1 区,IF = 11.648, TOP期刊).

★★★ 研究生-刘玉文的论文(Privacy-aware Point-of-Interest Category Recommendation in Internet of Things)被国际期刊IEEE Internet of Things Journal录用.(SCI 1 区,IF = 9.471, TOP期刊).

★★★ 研究生-吴胜琪的论文(Popularity-aware and Diverse Web APIs Recommendation Based on Correlation Graph)被国际期刊IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems录用(CAA-A)

★★★ 论文(TSDroid: A Novel Android Malware Detection Framework Based on Temporal & Spatial Metrics in IoMT)被ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks录用(CCF-B).

★★★ 论文(Game Theory for Distributed IoV Task Offloading with Fuzzy Neural Network in Edge Computing)被IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems录用(CCF-B).

★★★ 研究生-杨已鸿的论文(ASTREAM: Data-Stream-Driven Scalable Anomaly Detection with Accuracy Guarantee in IIoT Environment)被国际期刊IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering录用.

★★★ 研究生-王范的论文(Privacy-aware Traffic Flow Prediction based on Multi-party Sensor Data with Zero Trust in Smart City)被国际期刊ACM Transactions on Internet Technology录用(CCF-B,SCI 3 区,IF = 3.135)

★★★ 论文(DisCOV: Distributed COVID-19 Detection on X-Ray Images with Edge-Cloud Collaboration)被国际期刊IEEE Transactions on Services Computing录用.(CCF-B,SCI 1 区,IF = 8.216, TOP期刊).

★★★ 研究生-杨已鸿的论文(Fast Anomaly Identification Based on Multi-Aspect Data Streams for Intelligent Intrusion Detection Toward Secure Industry 4.0)被国际期刊IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics录用.(SCI 1 区,IF = 9.112, TOP期刊).

★★★ 合作论文入选“2020中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文”(通讯作者)


2021 New:

★★★ 获得2021年全国高校人工智能大数据区块链教育教学“学术创新奖”一等奖

★★★ 合作论文(Cooperative Task Offloading for Internet of Vehicles in Cloud-Edge Computing)获得国际会议 IEEE Smart City'2021的杰出论文奖.

★★★ 合作论文(Triangle Coordinate Diagram Localization for Academic Literature Based on Line Segment Detection in Cloud Computing)获得国际会议 EAI Cloudcomp'2021的最佳论文奖.

★★★ 合作论文(CSEdge: Enabling Collaborative Edge Storage for Multi-access Edge Computing based on Blockchain)被国际期刊IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems(CCF-A)录用.

★★★ 论文(PSDF: Privacy-Aware IoV Service Deployment with Federated Learning in Cloud-Edge Computing)被国际期刊ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology录用.

★★★ 研究生-刘玉文获得山东省研究生优秀成果三等奖.

★★★ 研究生-刘玉文获得山东省优秀毕业生.

★★★ 论文(An Information Extraction Method for Sedimentology Literature with Semantic Rules)获得国际会议 IEEE CyberSciTech'2021的最佳论文奖.

★★★ 研究生-王范的论文(Time-aware Missing Traffic Flow Prediction for Sensors with Privacy-preservation)获得国际会议CENet'2021(11th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Networks)的最佳论文奖.

★★★ 研究生-刘玉文的论文(Bidirectional GRU Networks-based Next POI Category Prediction for Healthcare)被国际期刊International Journal of Intelligent Systems录用.(SCI 1 区,IF = 10.312, TOP期刊).

★★★ 研究生-王范、王丽娜的论文(Edge-Cloud-enabled Matrix Factorization for Diversified APIs Recommendation in Mashup Creation)被国际期刊World Wide Web Journal录用.(CCF-B,SCI 3 区,IF = 2.716).

★★★ 研究生-孔令贞的论文(LSH-aware Multitype Health Data Prediction with Privacy Preservation in Edge Environment)被国际期刊World Wide Web Journal录用.(CCF-B,SCI 3 区,IF = 2.716).

★★★ 研究生-刘玉文的论文(A Label Noise Filtering and Label Missing Supplement Framework based on Game
Theory)被国际期刊Digital Communications and Networks录用.(SCI 1 区,IF = 6.797, TOP期刊).

★★★ 研究生-刘玉文的论文(A Long Short-Term Memory-based Model for Greenhouse Climate Prediction)被国际期刊International Journal of Intelligent Systems录用.(SCI 1 区,IF = 10.312, TOP期刊).

★★★ 研究生-迟潇潇获得国家留学基金委(CSC)资助,拟赴澳大利亚Macquarie University攻读博士学位.

★★★ 研究生-仲伟艺的论文(Multi-dimensional Quality-driven Service Recommendation with Privacy-preservation in Mobile Edge Environment)评为CCF-C期刊《Computer Communications》的2021 Best Research Paper Award.(https://www.qfnu.edu.cn/info/1171/17229.htm).

★★★ 入选2020爱思唯尔“中国高被引学者”.

★★★ 入选2020斯坦福大学“全球前2%顶尖科学家”.

★★★ 研究生-杨已鸿的论文(Fast Wireless Sensor Anomaly Detection based on Data Stream in Edge Computing Enabled Smart Greenhouse)被国际期刊Digital Communications and Networks录用.(SCI 1 区,IF = 6.797, TOP期刊).

★★★ 论文(A Digital Twin-Assisted Real-time Traffic Data Prediction Method for 5G-enabled Internet of Vehicles)被国际期刊IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics录用.(SCI 1 区,IF = 9.112, TOP期刊).

★★★ 论文(车联网边缘计算环境下基于深度强化学习的分布式服务卸载方法)被计算机学报录用.(CCF-A中文期刊)

★★★ 论文(A Fully Connected Deep Learning Approach to Upper Limb Gesture Recognition in A Secure FES Rehabilitation Environment)被国际期刊International Journal of Intelligent Systems录用.(SCI 1 区,IF = 10.312, TOP期刊).

★★★ 研究生-刘玉文的论文(An Attention-based Category-aware GRU Model for Next POI Recommendation)被国际期刊International Journal of Intelligent Systems录用.(SCI 1 区,IF = 10.312, TOP期刊).

★★★ 研究生-王范的论文(Robust Collaborative Filtering Recommendation with User-Item-Trust Records)被国际期刊IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems录用.(中国自动化学会推荐A类期刊).

★★★ 论文(Edge Content Caching with Deep Spatiotemporal Residual Network for IoV in Smart City)被国际期刊 ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks 录用.(CCF-B,SCI 3区,IF = 2.469).

6. 学术兼职

● Journal of Organizational and End User Computing (JOEUC) ( SCI / SSCI ), Managing Editor (2020~ )
● International Journal of Intelligent Systems(SCI), Editorial Board (2022~)
● Scientific Reports (SCI), Editorial Board (2021~)
● Frontiers In Computer Science (Software section), Associate Editor (2022~)
● Human-Centric Intelligent Systems, Editorial Board (2021~)
● International Journal of Knowledge Science and Engineering, Associate Editor (2020~ )
● International Journal of Cognitive Computing in Engineering, Editorial Board (2020~ )

(2)Conference Chairs
● IEEE CPSCom (15th IEEE International Conference on Cyber, Physical and Social Computing), Rhode Espoo, Finland, 2022. TPC Co-chair.
● CBPM (12th Chinese Conference on Business Process Management), Nanjing, China, 2022. Organization Chair.
● ML4CS (5th International Conference on Machine Learning for Cyber Security), Guangzhou, China, 2022. Track Chair.
● CENet (12th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Networks), Haikou, China, 2022. TPC Chair.
● EAI CloudComp (The 11th EAI International Conference on Cloud Computing), Melbourne, Australia, 2021. TPC Co-Chair.
● CENet (11th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Networks), Hechi, China, 2021. Publication Chair.
● NeuRec (Workshop on Advanced Neural Algorithms and Theories for Recommender Systems), Sorrento, Italy, 2020. Program Chair.
● EAI CloudComp (10th EAI International Conference on Cloud Computing), Qufu, China, 2020. General Co-Chair.
● SPDE (International Conference on Security and Privacy in Digital Economy), Zhou Qu, China, 2020. Special Issue Chair.
● ML4CS (3rd International Conference on Machine Learning for Cyber Security), Guangzhou, China, 2020. Publicity Chair.
● IIoTBDSC (First International Conference on Industrial IoT Big Data and Supply Chain), 2020. Publicity Chair.
● IEEE CPSCom (13th IEEE International Conference on Cyber, Physical and Social Computing ), Rhode Island, Greece, 2020. Track Chair.
● IEEE CPSCom (12th IEEE International Conference on Cyber, Physical and Social Computing ), Atlanta, USA, 2019. TPC Vice Chair.
● EAI CloudComp (9th EAI International Conference on Cloud Computing), Sydney, Australia, 2019. Workshop Chair.
● IEEE CPSCom (11th IEEE International Conference on Cyber, Physical and Social Computing ), Halifax, Canada, 2018. TPC Vice Chair

(3)PC member
● AAAI (CCF-A), 2023
● ICSOC (CCF-B), 2023
● IJCAI (CCF-A), 2022
● IJCAI (CCF-A), Montreal, Canada, 2021
● IEEE CLOUD, Peking, China, 2020
● IEEE BigData Congress, Milan, Italy, 2019
● IEEE CPSCOM, Atlanta, USA, 2019
● IEEE ICWS (CCF-B), San Francisco, USA, 2018
● IEEE UIC (CCF-C), Guangzhou, China, 2018
● BigData Congress, SAN FRANCISCO, USA, 2018
● CollaborateCom (CCF-C), Edinburgh, Great Britain, 2017.

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