● 2018.6于南京大学数学系获理学博士学位
● 2018年7月入职曲阜师范大学数学科学学院\讲师
● 2019年1月被聘为青年副教授岗
● 2019年12月破格晋升为副教授
● 2020年7月被聘为学术型硕士研究生导师。
● 2025/1-2028/12 国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持
● 2023/1-2023/12 国家自然科学基金天元基金,主持
● 2020/1-2022/12 国家自然科学基金青年基金,11901341,主持
● 2019/7-2022/6 山东省自然科学基金青年基金,ZR2019QA015,主持
● 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,2020M682141,主持,在研
● 2020/1-2023/12 国家自然科学基金面上基金,11971225,主要参与人
● 山东省高等学校青创人才引育计划,参与
● 江苏省普通高校研究生科研创新计划项目,KYZZ16_0034,主持
● 南京大学博士研究生创新创意研究计划项目,2016011,主持
已在<J. Algebra><Sci. China Math.><Manuscripta Math.>等国际期刊发表SCI论文十多篇。
** A bijection triangle in extriangulated categories (with Lingling Tan and Zhaoyong Huang), Journal of Algebra 574 (2021) 117-153.
** Finiteness conditions and relative derived categories (with Lingling Tan and Dingguo Wang), Journal of Algebra 573 (2021) 270-296.
** Tilting pairs in extriangulated categories (with Bin Zhu, Xiao Zhuang), Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society 64(4) (2021) 947-981.
** Almost split triangles and morphisms determined by objects in extriangulated categories (with Lingling Tan and Zhaoyong Huang), Journal of Algebra 559 (2020) 346-378.
** Special precovered categories of Gorenstein categories (with Zhaoyong Huang), Science China Mathematics 62(8) (2019) 1553-1566.
** Phantom Ideals and Cotorsion Pairs in Extriangulated Categories (with Zhaoyong Huang), Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics 23(1) (2019) 29-61.
** Relative FP-injective and FP-flat complexes and their model structures (with Marco A. Perez), Communications in Algebra 47(4) (2019) 1708-1730.
** Hochschild cohomology rings of tame Hecke algebras (with Yunge Xu), Manuscripta Mathematica 142 (2013) 491-512.
2019.7.15-2019.8.14, 2021.7.20-2021.10.20 visit to Prof. Bin Zhu in Tsinghua University.
2017.9.1-2017.11.30 visit to Prof. Ivo Herzog in Ohio State University.
2021.12.4-12.5 2021阿坝代数理论与课程教学研讨会,报告题目:正合范畴上的厚子范畴,阿坝师范学院(线上)
2021.5.15-5.16 厦门大学2021年度代数表示论青年学者论坛,报告题目:外三角范畴上的Auslander双射, 厦门大学
2020.8.9 Northwest University, A bijection triangle in extriangulated categories
2020.8.7 Henan University, A bijection triangle in extriangulated categories
2018.1.15 University of Science and Technology of China, Support τ-tilting modules and recollements
2018.11 Nanjing Normal University, Hochschild cohomology rings of tame Hecke algebras
2020.12.16 Zengqiang Lin (Huaqiao University), Constructions of n-angulated categories (online talk)
2020.12.9 Nan Gao (Shanghai University), Silting and tilting properties via abelian ladder (online talk)
2020.7.6 Shiquan Ruan (Xiamen University), Lie theory associated to weighted projective lines. (online talk)
2020.6.22 Ming Lu (Sichuan University), Singularity categories, Hall algebras and i-quantum groups. (online talk)
2020.6.15 Yu Liu (Southwest Jiaotong University), Relative rigid objects in extriangulated categories. (online talk)
2019.5.20 Liqian Bai (Northwestern Polytechnical University), Generalized quantum cluster algebras and Laurent phenomenon.
2019.5.20 Wen Chang (Shaanxi Normal University), Quivers with potentials for Grassmannian cluster algebras.
2019.5.20 Zhe Han (Henan University), HRS tilting and derived equivalences.
2019.5.20 Wuzhong Yang (Northwest University), Relative cluster tilting objects in triangulated categories.
2019.4.29 Haicheng Zhang (Nanjing Normal University), Lie algebras and Hall algebras associated to 1-cyclic perfect complexes.
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